• Question: Do you think we can stop climate change

    Asked by anon-303355 on 7 Dec 2021. This question was also asked by anon-305202.
    • Photo: Maike Wilschnack

      Maike Wilschnack answered on 17 Nov 2021:

      Yes, we can. There are some changes that cannot be undone, but it is not too late to reduce the effect. We are so powerful and smart, I think we can do everything, if we just all work together.

    • Photo: Michael Short

      Michael Short answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      Yes, I do. We have all the tools to do it, but the problem is that we have invested a lot of money and time on fossil fuels before we really understood the full dangers of climate change. Now it is clear the damage we are doing, but it is difficult to switch overnight, especially when millions of people rely on the energy, jobs, and infrastructure of these old systems. This is the big challenge, and I hope that we can switch quickly enough to avoid further major consequences.

    • Photo: Jayne Roberts

      Jayne Roberts answered on 19 Nov 2021:

      Yes I think if we all work together we can certainly make a difference. The key thing is that every country tries to make significant changes not just one or two.

    • Photo: Karen Fung

      Karen Fung answered on 19 Nov 2021:

      Yes I think we can. This would definitely take time but if we all collectively do our part in stopping climate change, I think we would be able to make a difference.

    • Photo: Tamsin Bell

      Tamsin Bell answered on 19 Nov 2021:

      Yes, we need to work together and act now!

    • Photo: Sebastiano Gadolini

      Sebastiano Gadolini answered on 22 Nov 2021:

      Yes, we can and we have to do it. The challenge and risks are high, but this is what motivates scientists to work harder. Moreover, it is a multidisciplinary job! Everyone has to act together towards a better world! You can do a small step as well, by switching always the lights you do not need, unplug your laptop if it is fully charged, etc.! Be part of the change with us!

    • Photo: Alexander Munnoch

      Alexander Munnoch answered on 22 Nov 2021:

      I believe we can limit the various aspects of climate change from getting worse but it will take more time than ideal due to political, economic and social will.

    • Photo: Dimitrios Tsaoulidis

      Dimitrios Tsaoulidis answered on 22 Nov 2021:

      Technological evolution is increasing exponentially!

      We now have the tools and knowledge to understand and neutralise all the dangers of climate change.

      What we are missing as humanity is the willingness to move away from fossil fuels.
      Fossil fuels are the number one enemy, but they drive many economies worldwide.

      Solar and nuclear energy are two realistic alternatives to fossil fuels!

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 23 Nov 2021:

      I think that rather than stopping it, as it’s kind of too late for that, I believe that we can make it less catastrophic. A huge social, economic, and political change is required globally if we are to prevent climatic disaster.

    • Photo: Natasha Marchant

      Natasha Marchant answered on 26 Nov 2021:

      I hope we can stop it, I think we definitely can slow it down but it might be more difficult to fully stop it
