• Question: is there aliens in space?

    Asked by anon-303359 on 17 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Andrew McDowall

      Andrew McDowall answered on 17 Nov 2021:

      Not that we know of at the moment, but it seems probable. Little green men in flying saucers kidnapping people from country roads – probably not, but space is so huge and so full of countless numbers other stars and planets that having life appear in only one place would seem unlikely. We don’t know what that life would look like, how complicated it might be, how long it might last or where to look for it, but there are people looking. If there is complex, intelligent life close enough to us to be able to talk to, they haven’t yet thought the same of us.

    • Photo: Michael Short

      Michael Short answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      I think so, but we don’t know! I don’t think that they will look like the little green men in the movies, and I don’t think they have visited earth. Rather, I think that it is very likely that there are many different microbes and forms of life that we can’t imagine yet.

    • Photo: Karen Fung

      Karen Fung answered on 19 Nov 2021:

      I think it would be possible, although aliens probably won’t look like ET, but likely a life form that we don’t know of yet. The universe is so big that surely we can’t be the only living beings out there!

    • Photo: Dimitrios Tsaoulidis

      Dimitrios Tsaoulidis answered on 22 Nov 2021:

      Based on probabilities and the fact that the galaxy is stuffed with planets there should be planets that can generate living organisms.

      It would be cool though to evolve and look the way we have imagined them!! 🙂

    • Photo: Alexander De Bruin

      Alexander De Bruin answered on 23 Nov 2021:

      By probability, there must be. I don’t think we’ve encountered any of it yet, and we may not realise it when we first make contact. Any life is likely to be as different to us as we are to fish or ants, or even more so as the other lifeform may not breathe oxygen!

    • Photo: Sebastiano Gadolini

      Sebastiano Gadolini answered on 24 Nov 2021:

      I am answering with a quote by Stephen Hawking. “Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on earth.” 🙂

    • Photo: Natasha Marchant

      Natasha Marchant answered on 26 Nov 2021:

      I feel like there must be some other life out there somewhere, whether they look like the conventional sci-fi type aliens, who knows!
